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Volunteer Options

It would be amazing if each family volunteered 10 hours of their time throughout the season to help this club be successful. There is a $50 volunteer cheque that will hopefully be returned to all or the majority of families. The goal here is not to ask for more money, it is to incentivize volunteering just a little.


I will outline some options for how parents could volunteer but this list is not exhaustive, and I would love you to bring your ideas and skillset to our club. So if you are a website designer, then let me know, this site needs a ton of work. Or any other passion that you have that would benefit the club in any way.


Volunteer Options:

Practice Helper (Timing, Recording, Raking, Setup, Takedown) - 1.5 hrs per practice

Coaching - 1.5 hrs per practice

Photography - Practices, Meets

Board Member (Treasurer, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Registrar, Directors)

Practice Planner - researches effective track and field pedagogy for 9-12 year olds

Meet Helper (helps officiate an event when travelling to a meet, or helps direct athletes during a meet)

Website Design

Graphic Design

Equipment Manager (counts equipment, checks what is missing, organizes sheds, suggests new equipment)

Snack provider

Communicator (writes emails)

Social Media

Party Planner


Again, let me know of anything I should add here.


Thanks so much for your involvement in enhancing your child's experience and future parent experiences for the club!

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