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Junior Development

Introducing young athletes to track and field is a great way to engage them in healthy living, and start them off with an appreciation of the variety of sports that are available for athletes to participate in. In addition to the work being done by the club there are many activities that parents can do with their kids, or encourage them to do by themselves. Please see the links below to find activities that work for you and your young athlete. Remeber young athletes like play more than competing – therefore consider incorporating more play & free-play even in warm-ups & drills – like tag, bear crawl tag, cartwheels, running over objects, obstacle courses etc.



Not only is strength training safe for kids when done properly, but it also has numerous benefits. As outlined in Doug Dupont's article, Fit Kids Are Healthier and Happier, research suggests kids who are stronger and more conditioned perform better in school and are less likely to engage in unhealthy activities.


Remember, one of the most important facets for junior athletes, is that they have fun and are safe. If you have any resources that you would like to share please send them to for us to include and share.

Good Reads

Below is a list of some great articles to help with struggling athletes, as well as some great resources to helping kids become healthier, stronger, and happier.

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